Wednesday 20 March 2013

Counselling blog looks at poetry as therapy

The counselling blog; CONTENTS: Counselling and stress management; the miracle of self-transformation; story of childhood; two poems of childhood, by william wordsworth; the impact of the counsellor on the client; early childhood experience shapes our life chances, by and large; counselling and emotional literacy; principles of couples therapy; the quality of the interpersonal relationship is the main healing source in counselling.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Some new links and quotes:

The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. #CIM

In order to stay #positive, I just do not hang around anybody that I don’t want to be with. #John #Assaraf

Focus your #awareness on your #body. Complete the experience of being in your body. #Health #awareness #meditation

What is #Rational #Emotive #Behaviour #Therapy (#REBT)?
Get over your #depression and #extreme #sadness...

What is #Cognitive #Emotive #Narrative #Therapy (CENT)?

If you be too #silent, you will not be #regarded. #Irish #wisdom

The only gift is a portion of thyself. #Ralph #Waldo #Emerson

Practice acts of #kindness, if you want to be #happier!

The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

ABC #Coaching & #Counselling Services, by #Telephone and #Face-#to-#Face.

What is #Counselling?

Seven #counselling specialisms

#Counsellor blogs about #counselling, and all that #jazz

That's all for now, Jim