Thursday, 10 June 2010

Fri 11th June: New update on the Happiness blog:
Have you seen my homepage?
People should cherish one another for their positive traits and help one another for their negative traits. Taro Gold quote
Change on a fundamental level is rarely easy. zen
Humans are driven by desires that arise in childhood, and work non-consciouly. To transform them we have to become more conscious. Jim quote
Greed arises from an inaccurate preception of one's true interests and needs. zen
My new e-book on How to Heal Your Life is now available here:
You can't do right in one department of life while occupied doing wrong in any other deaprtment. Life is one invisible whole. Ghandi quote
Have you seen this week's Happiness blog?
Never compromise your dreams. motivation
Become the master of your mind. zen

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The "Therapy after Ellis..." book is about how to understand your mind, and to heal yourself.
Those who maintain a clear sense of purpose inlife are strengthened by hardship. zen quote
Free Anger Management Article
Buddhist meditation: 2B free of mental activity simply deal directly with existence as it arises rather than through a filter of thought
Solve your emotional problems with Freud, Ellis, Berne and the Buddha: counselling therapy
What kinds of clients do I help?
Buddhist meditation: Words are dualistic and need subject and object. We cannot therefore really speak about oneness
Have you seen the latest update to the Happiness blog? relationships love attachment
Training, Supervision, REBT Information, Research and Books
Buddhist meditation: Thought is a dualistic function
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Philosophy, Happiness and Success
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” -Mother Theresa
My new e-book deals with how to understand the human mind and emotions: self-help
Accepting and learning from our problems
If you are suffering, I can calm your mind: :-) Jim:

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Equality is better for everybody: health drugs crime happiness mental-health
Your success or failure in life will not be decided by the number of setbacks you encounter, but rather how you react to them
My new e-book deals with how to understand the human mind and emotions: self-help
Have you seen this week's Happiness blog: love marriage relationships
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
"All who have accomplished great things had a great aim; have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, which sometimes seemed impossible."

Monday, 7 June 2010

Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Anger Handout No.1A
Solve your emotional problems with Freud, Ellis, Berne and the Buddha: counselling therapy
A Philosophy of Life
Have you seen the latest update to the Happiness blog? relationships love attachment
Counselling Research
My new e-book deals with how to understand the human mind and emotions: self-help
What is Research?
My new e-book deals with how to understand the human mind and emotions: self-help
REBT and Research
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Client Testimonials: Article about successful couples therapy outcome
@Rhondalynn Korolak: Sometimes you just have to ride the horse in the direction it is bolting...
More Unsolicited Client Testimonials: from counseling clients
Your success or failure in life will not be decided by the number of setbacks you encounter, but rather how you react to them
Four online counselling client testimonials
RT @Billy_Cox: Fall seven times stand up eight. Japanese Proverb
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Which type of counseling service is best for you?
- How you frame the problem IS the problem -
Instant Messaging "Relay Chat" Counselling
The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring. -Carl Sandburg omgwisdom
ISMHO Pros and Cons
It's all about loveeeeee, its love love love all around. Spread the love!!!
Jim Byrne and Cognitive therapy
Love is like water; We can fall in it. We can drown in it. And we can't live with out it. - N/A omgwisdom
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Anger Management Coaching - Part 2
Just as a flower, which seems beautiful has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of a man who speaks them but does them not
Anger Management Article
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together
What kinds of clients do I help?
"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." - African Proverb
Training, Supervision, REBT Information, Research and Books
"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument." - William G. McAdoo
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
"Every man should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him." Ernest Hemingway
Philosophy, Happiness and Success
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." - Buddha (via @hnshah)
Accepting and learning from our problems
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus (via @tonyrobbins)
@Rhondalynn Korolak: Sometimes you just have to ride the horse in the direction it is bolting...
My new e-book deals with how to understand the human mind and emotions: self-help
Have you seen the latest update to the Happiness blog? relationships love attachment

Sunday, 6 June 2010

'Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: the birth of CENT', an ebook, is now available:
Have you seen yesterday's Happiness blog update? attachment and love
Just finished writing 'Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha'. :-D Yippeee!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

I've realized that past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. Alan Watts
3. Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
2. Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
Hi, I have just finished the Contents Page for '#Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha'. :-D Jim counseling book
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
The science of love: counseling therapy
Only love can bring us peace. And love is a choice or mental decision to see love as the only real purpose and value in any situation.
Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day. quote
Research Issues in Counselling and Therapy (especially REBT/CBT/CENT)
Voice and/or Webcam over the Internet
Email Counselling
If I keep saying to myself that I can't do a certain thing, it is possible I may end by becoming incapable of doing it. Ghandi quote
Attachment theory applied to couples therapy: Bowlby Ainsworth counseling therapy
The happiness blog is updated, today:
Great good is often born of one small act of kindness. zen quotes
Spend time with children. Their natural zest for life is infectious.
"You have 2 choices in life: a] to find a way b] to make one." Paulo Coelho
Let’s keep this simple. 1. Be here. 2. Be open. zen
The science of love: couples therapy
You will be made whole as you make whole. A course in miracles.
Telephone Counselling
16 videos on counselling:
"We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves." -Thomas Merton
It is easy to shield our bodies from poisoned arrows from without, but difficult to shield our minds against poisoned darts from within.
Try this. Spend an afternoon – walking, driving, eating – all experienced as if for the first time. Fresh, new, open.
Anger Management Coaching
What my clients gain
How Can Counselling Help?
"Faith in the best and safest course." -Michelangelo
You understand that you are healed when you given healing. A course in miracles.
You are everywhere – forever free. zen quote
Volunteer Abroad India Missions Overseas. We have 165 programs in 21 Countries
"Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." Pema Chodron
Instead of trying to stop thoughts, just look directly into that which is aware of them.
The latest happiness blog update deals with attachment theory: attachment theory and love
Saturday 5th: the Happiness blog is updated: couple counseling therapy relationships

Friday, 4 June 2010

A healed person is automatically a healer. And his or her strength is the greater for having been through dark times… RA Johnson quote
The means by which an end is reached must exemplify the end itself.
"A day is a miniature eternity." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance
Jim Byrne's Doctoral Thesis
Here it is – right now.
Start thinking about it and you miss it. Huang Po quotes
"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-tzu
"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind." - Marston Bates
Free Counselling Resources - Free articles and pamphlets using cognitive counselling
‘Those who are healed become the instruments of healing’. A course in miracles.
"Be content with what thou hast received, and smooth thy frowning forehead." -Hafez
"The crux... is that the vast majority of the mass of the universe seems to be missing." - William J. Broad
The roots of the "individual" are "social and relational"
To teach another something is like oiling the wheels of a heavy cart so that they will turn. Nichiren quotes
"To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set our own conditions to the events of each day." R.W.Trine
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Isaac Asimov
Self acceptance, self regard and individual morality
When hoping for something better to happen, how are you living in this moment?