Thursday, 30 June 2011

Links & Resources
If you want to have a really powerful relationship with somebody, you have got to stop ‘making them wrong’. Werner Erhard insight
Contact Us at ABC Coaching
Those who maintain a clear sense of purpose in life are strengthened by hardship.
How to meditate - A brief introduction
Successful relationships are based on agreed on goals. Werner Erhard relationships insights
One page counselling solutions for depression...
One thing I have learned is that attitudes shouldn't be underestimated in the assessment of the healing equation. Norman Cousins quote
The ABCs of REBT applied to Anxiety
A relationship is an understanding and being aware of another person’s way of being. Werner Erhard, relationships insights
REBT and Research
S/He who knows others is wise; s/he who knows him/herself is enlightened. TG
Counselling and therapy all over the world...
If you want your marriage to survive, work to maintain a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative moments. John Gottman, marriage relationshp
Moment after moment, everything comes out of nothingness. This is the true joy of life. Shunryu Suzuki
Anger Management Coaching and Counselling
Don’t kick over the beehive if you want to collect honey. Dale Carnegie, couples therapy
Specialist Counselling Services
Develop a broad compassion that reaches beyond you surroundings and extends to unknown places. TG
Information Pack regarding face-to-face counselling services...
A marriage is a house that is built every day. Relationships counselling
Man (and woman) is asked to make of him or her self what s/he is supposed to become to fulfil his or her destiny. Paul Tillich
Stress Management Coaching and counselling
Your behaviour when nobody is watching reveals your true character. TG

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

‘Change your thoughts and you change your destiny’. JM PMA
‘#Change your thoughts and you change your destiny’. JM PMA
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
‘Look at your fears. Learn to hold them up to the light of reason. Learn to laugh at your fears. That is the best medicine.’ JM PMA
What my counselling and therapy clients gain
Life is not so much about solving problems as working on them, to preserve us from stultification and petrifaction. CG Jung
Long-#Distance Counselling Service
The most powerful thing you can do to change the world, is to change you own beliefs about life to something more positive… Shakti Gawain
Stoic Philosophy for Counsellors
Equality is better for *Everybody*: nem equality trust
Zen Buddhist
ideas used in CENT counselling
Righteousness in the heart leads to beauty in the character, harmony at home, order in the nation and peace in the world. Confucius
General Counselling Service
‘Life after 65 can be a glorious, fruitful, active & most productive pattern, better than you have ever experienced.’ JM and ageism PMA
The CENT Stress Book
You shall be free indeed when your life is girdled by care, want and grief, yet you rise above them naked and unbound. Khalil Gibran
The second (popular) #e-book on Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy
(Age) 65, 75 or 85 years of age is not the end for you or anybody else... (but) the beginning of a great phase’. JM and ageism PMA
Understanding anger in yourself and other people...
Life is what it is, you cannot change it, but you can change yourself. Hazrat Inayat Khan
I-CENT Publications: articles, papers and #e-books
...a surgeon aged 84 years ...operates every morning, visits patients in the afternoon, and writes the evening. JM and ageism PMA
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter...
There are seasons in your life, .... Bountiful and barren; warm and cold; becoming and declining. Face them all bravely. Trungpa
Counselling processes need the support of Attachment theory...
‘#Diets and exercise won’t keep you young. As you think, so shall you be’. JM and ageism PMA

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

"It is painful to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt quote
Telephone Counselling
Courage without conscience is a wild beast. RG Ingersoll quote
16 Videos on counselling and therapy
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. WJ Bryan quotations
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Honour has not to be won: it must only not be lost. Schopenhauer quote
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
“#Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Seneca,
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (#CENT)?
"#Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Mark Twain quotation
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Buddha-babble blocks the Way. Ikkyu
Think your way to happiness and wellbeing
Disease is a consolidated mental attitude, and it is only necessary to treat the mind and the disease will disappear. Dr Bach quote
Disease is a kind of consolidation of a mental attitude, and it is only necessary to treat the mind of a patient and the disease will disappear. Dr Bach quote
Seven counselling specialisms
Every human-being has the propensity to be an upstanding citizen. Greg Evans
What is Counselling?
It is cowardice to perceive what is right but not to do it. Confucius quote
ABC Coaching & Counselling Services, by Telephone and Face-to-Face.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. RL Stevenson quotations
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud. wise words
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
The truth is to be lived, not mouthed. Zen quote
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful. Dali Lama quote
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
Equality is better for EVERYBODY! nem equalitytrust
Equality is better for EVERYBODY! nem equalitytrust
Reduce your stress level...
Every day is a new life to a wise person. philosophy psychology zen buddhism
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
Learn to be quiet in the midst of turmoil, for quietness is the end of strife… CIM quotations
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope. Epictetus quote
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. Virginia Woolf quote
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
“All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients." Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
The wisest among us often have the least to say. wisdom quotes
Think your way to happiness
Don’t search for truth. Just stop having opinions. Seng-t’san zen quote
Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. wise quotes
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
Make each day your masterpiece. John Wooden quotations

Monday, 27 June 2011

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Epicurus, ancient Greek philosopher
"You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility." Zig Ziglar quote
Patience is the companion of wisdom. St Augustine of Hippo quote
Attachment theory and counselling, page updated: Bowlby, Freud, Winnicot, Ainsworth, Wallin
Have you seen the Happiness blog?
#happy, happier life
Do something today to improve someone else’s life. love quotes
Seven counselling specialisms
Thru silence we become aware of our pain – in our minds and in our bodies. Silence allows us to see it, face it, release it. #G Norris
Manage your anger better...
"The great (wo)man is one who never loses his or her child’s heart." Mencius Chinese Philosopher
What is Counselling?
What we think, we become. wisdom and wealth quotes
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
When everything is seen as One, we return to the Source, and stay where we have always been. Seng-t’san zen quote
"The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." - Voltaire
Telephone Counselling
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA
Life is like playing a violin solo in public, and learning the instrument as one goes on. Samuel Butler quote
16 videos on counselling and therapy
The obstacle is the path. zen quote
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
Remove the internal, emotional hooks that attract you to painful situations.
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Goethe quotations
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” wisdom reading and writing
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character and develop (our) internal powers… Stephen Covey quote
Attachment theory in counselling and psychotherapy: bowlby, wallin, ainsworth, counseling
Those who have not asked the question are not ready to accept the answer.
Think your way to happiness
You only lose what you cling to. Let go of your big toe! :-) zen
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
Updated: Attachment Theory in Counselling and Psychotherapy:
#bowlby, wallin, ainsworth,

Sunday, 26 June 2011

The choices we make in thought, word, and deed inevitably return to us in kind.
Think your way to happiness
Telephone Counselling
16 videos on counselling and therapy
"I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way." - Carl Sandburg
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
Anger Management Handout No.1A calm relax chill out
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
The ABCs of REBT applied to Anxiety develop courage
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience is a still, small voice.
We so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Enlightenment is beyond concepts. No one has ever attained it. Ying-an zen quote
What is Transactional Analysis? TA, eric berne, scripts, games, narative counselling
Serenity is the secret of beauty and the real substance of all art. Herman Hess
Telephone Counselling
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. Samuel Johnson
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
The experience (of enlightenment) is not the goal of Zen endeavour, for the will to achieve defeats itself. Christmas Humphries
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
Strive to learn from noble people. TG
Reduce your stress level...
A (wo)man’s the good that s/he does in this world to his or her fellows. Mohammad
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
Zen is understanding that the separate self is an illusion.
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
Serenity is the affirmation of all reality being awake at the edge of all deeps and abysses. Herman Hess
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
Beauty endures only for as long as it can be seen; goodness, beautiful today, will remain so tomorrow. Sappho
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Delusion is not being aware of your fundamental mind. Enlightenment is realizing you fundamental essence. Mazu
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
Just as we cannot see our own faces without looking into a mirror, we cannot know ourselves without looking at our relationships.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Think your way to happiness
Nine guidelines for a happy life
Serenity is neither frivolity nor complacency. It is the highest knowledge of love. Hermann Hess
Seven counselling specialisms
Of all strategies, to know when to quit may be the best. Chinese proverb
Manage your anger better...
Genuine joy grows not from contemplation, not from riches and not from fame, but from work that has its own inner value. Wilfred Grenfel
What is Counselling?
Let go of anger – it is an acid that burns away the delicate layers of your happiness.
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
Let you hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. Ovid
Telephone Counselling
Thought we often live unconsciously, on automatic pilot, every one of us can learn to be awake. It just takes practice. Kornfield
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
16 videos on counselling and therapy
In the book of life every page has 2 sides: one is filled with our plans, goals and wishes, but providence writes on the other Nisami
Debating and disputing irrational beliefs in REBT
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
Everything that happens and everything that befalls us has a meaning, but it is often difficult to recognize it. Nisami
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
Do not blindly believe what others say, even the Buddha. See for yourself what brings contentment, clarity and peace. That is the path to follow. Kornfield
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found. Sufi aphorism
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
Nine guidelines for a happy life: happier, happiness, wellbeing, good life,
Telephone Counselling
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Develop a profound belief in the law of cause and effect – the empowering conviction that we all ultimately direct our own lives.
16 Videos on counselling and therapy
Never let life’s hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints and sages. Nichiren quotes
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (#CENT)?
Anguish is ego. Ego is: "I’m better or worse than others. If only I had more wealth, fame, sex, enlightenment or a better spouse or house."
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up again. Vince Lombardi
Think your way to happiness and wellbeing
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Seven counselling specialisms
What is Counselling?
There is no failure except in no longer trying. Elbert Hubbard
ABC Coaching & Counselling Services, by Telephone and Face-to-Face.
Rather than defeat your enemies, seek to transform them into allies.
Have u seen the update to my 'What is Transactional Analysis?' page?
TA eric berne, ego states, scripts

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The more you care, the stronger you can be.
Who Controls You? An article on REBT by Wayne Froggatt
Shrinking the bad wolf: " a word s/he watches him/herself as if s/he were an enemy and lying in ambush". Epictetus quotes
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Your dream is possible. TG
He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. #G#B Shaw
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
The greatest evil one has to fight constantly every minute of the day, until one dies, is the worse part of oneself. Patrick McGoohan
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
Reduce your stress level...
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a life free from problems! TG
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
It is not the presence of problems but how we tackle them that determines the quality of our lives. TG
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne, transactional analysis
The choices we make in thought, word, and deed inevitably return to us in kind. law of karma
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
Lasting goodness works at the pace of a snail. TG
Think your way to happiness
You never know what’s going to happen yesterday. Jack Lynch, history teacher
The Happiness Blog reviews serious books on happiness, attachment, stoicism, etc. :
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
The future ain't what it used to be. Yogi Berra
Let go of whatever holds you back. TG
Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
Become a master of words. TG
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
To become happier, do not try to reform your outer life. Reform your inner life to be happy.
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
Everything abides by the law of cause and effect. TG karma
Be concerned more with how you live than with how long you live. TG
Telephone Counselling
16 videos on counselling and therapy
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Napoleon Hill quote
Many times, the best way to fight is not to fight at all. TG
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well. Denis Waitley
The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for (wo)men to see by.
Remember your debts of gratitude. TG
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there? Kornfield
More new information on REBT: anger, anxiety, depression information
Further information updates on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy:
#rebt cbt ct ellis
I have added lots of new material to my 'What is REBT?' page:
#irrational beliefs

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. Marcel Proust
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
The ability to work through pain and hardships kills all weakness
A thousand fibres connect us with our fellow humans. Our actions are the causes, and they come back to us as effects. #H Melville
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
Ask, and it will be given you; seek, And you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Luke 11: 9
Reduce your stress level...
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises. CIM
The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. Chinese proverb
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. I must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward. CIM
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
If you are not getting as much from life as you want to, then examine the state of your enthusiasm.
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
Your happiness depends on three things: Your will, your ideas about your life, and the use you make of your ideas. Epictetus
Think your way to happiness
Dare to be wise: when you begin you are already halfway there. Horace
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
Seven counselling specialisms
Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
Better than a hundred years of idleness is one day spent in determination. The Dhammapada
You will fail in life but to get over your failures makes you stronger in your future
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Albert Einstein
Life is short, but there is always time enough for courtesy.
What is Counselling?
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Bertrand Russell
Coaching and counselling and psychotherapy philosophy and psychology:
By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible. August Strindberg
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Three things can not hide for long: the Moon, the Sun and the Truth. Siddhartha Gautama
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth. Cicero quotation
We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. Samuel Smiles
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Virginia Woolf
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
Telephone Counselling
What are you? What is there in the entire universe which is not you? Guangfan, zen quote
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
To be where we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. RL Stevenson quote
16 videos on counselling and therapy
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
The key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger.
People are scared to empty their minds fearing they will be engulfed by the void. But their mind is the void! Huang-po, zen quote
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
What is the use of love, good fortune, knowledge and riches, if you do not give yourself time to enjoy them in leisure?
Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.
If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. Thich Nhat Hanh
To conquer a joy is more valuable than giving oneself up to a sorrow. Andre Gide
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate ... Courage is the foundation of integrity. Nair
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Victor Hugo

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Have you seen the revised 'What is Counselling?' page?
#freud jung rogers perls frankl may
The 'What is REBT?' page is updated:
#cbt rebt cent counselling philosophy & psychology

Monday, 20 June 2011

The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'. Texan Philosophy
Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth. Cicero quote
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
To change your life you must master the beliefs that dominate your mind. TG
We think and behave within the limits of our beliefs. TG
Never seek happiness outside yourself.
What is Transactional Analysis (#TA), and how is it used in CENT?
You cannot hold on to satisfaction. Werner Erhard
Telephone Counselling
Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
16 Videos on counselling and therapy
No-one can forge a life-time of happiness, only ever the happiness of the moment.
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
It only takes one person to change your life – YOU!
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do. James Barrie quote
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (#CENT)?
What orators lack in depth they make up for in length. Montesquieu
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
You can do almost anything if you have enthusiasm.
Think your way to happiness and wellbeing
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
Seven counselling specialisms
Let go of your attachment to the outcome. TG
What is Counselling?
First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. Thomas A. Kempis quote
ABC Coaching & Counselling Services, by Telephone and Face-to-Face.
When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. Louise Hay quotations
New information on Existential counselling and Logotherapy: Frankl, May, Heidegger, Sartre

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Think your way to happiness
Be careful what you fill the voids in your life with.
More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate ... Courage is the foundation of integrity. Nair
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
A single rose can be my garden; a single friend, my world. Leo Buscaglia quote
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil. Cicero quote
Reduce your stress level...
‘There is no coming to consciousness without pain’. #C.G. Jung quote
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
It only takes one person to change your life – YOU!
Let go of your attachment to the outcome. TG
Words have the power to destroy or heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change the world. Jack Kornfield
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Although the flames of jealousy are directed towards others, it is the jealous person who is consumed by the fire. TG
A (wo)man can only do what s/he can do. if s/he does that each day s/he can sleep well and do it again the next day. Albert Schweitzer

Saturday, 18 June 2011

More info on 'What is Counselling?': psychodynamic counselling, humanistic
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate ... Courage is the foundation of integrity. Nair
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
'(Wo)Man cannot discover new oceans unless s/he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.'
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Jalal-Udddin Rumi
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Jalal-Udddin Rumi
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.
The only gift is a portion of thyself. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
In spite of all our wanderings happiness is always found close to and among objects which lie within our immediate reach. Bulwer.
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud jung rogers perls
A single rose can be my garden; a single friend, my world. Leo Buscaglia quote
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
Life isn’t about what happens to use; it’s about how we perceive what happens to us. TG
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Strive most to understand what you fear most. TG
The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil. Cicero quote
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
Think your way to happiness
"Never give up on the things that make you smile."
Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
Truth has the power to dispel the darkness of ignorance – a candle can light a cave that's been dark for a million years. TG
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
‘There is no coming to consciousness without pain’. #C.G. Jung quote
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA
What is Counselling?
16 videos on counselling and therapy
Manage your anger better...
No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth. Francis Bacon
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
Telephone Counselling
"Every (wo)man should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him/her." Ernest Hemingway quotation
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
False imagination teaches that light and shade, long and short, etc are different and separate, but they are not independent of each other.
Seven counselling specialisms
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Khalil Gibran
Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth. Cicero quote
It only takes one person to change your life – YOU!
‘Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms the character’ Anthony Robbins
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
Let go of your attachment to the outcome. TG
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
One never loves enough. Aldous Huxley
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Live every act fully, as if it were your last. Jack Kornfield quote
More info on 'What is Counselling?': freud, jung rogers perls berne glasser ellis beck
More info on 'What is Counselling?': william glasser, reality therapy
More info on 'What is Counselling?': eric berne william glasser, transactional analysis, TA

Friday, 17 June 2011

New information on 'What is Counselling?': freud, jung, rogers, perls
Hello, I have now updated the Happiness blog: Dale Carnegie and Atachment theory:

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Hello, New information on 'What is Counselling?': freud, jung, rogers, perls:

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Tim Ferriss on The Practicality of Pessimism: Stoicism as a Productivity System. Ep 20

Sunday, 12 June 2011

We carry within us the wonders we seek outside of us. Thomas Browne
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester:
Though I speak with the tongues of (wo)men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
Improve your self confidence, and feel better about yourself...
When you cannot lift something, you might think it is too heavy - but pehaps it is you who are too weak?
Counselling and Therapy in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire
If we all did the things we're capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. T A Edison
What is Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT)?
Reduce your stress level...
‘It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan’. Eleanor Roosevelt quote
Never seek happiness outside yourself. Taro Gold quote (#TG)
Fall seven times, stand up eight. Japanese proverb
Get over your depression and extreme sadness...
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." Buddha quote
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT)?
Therapy after Ellis, Berne, Freud and the Buddha: Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:
Couples Therapy and Marriage Guidance
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30: 5
Think your way to happiness
Equality if better for everybody.
#justice, fairness, sustainability, love, happiness
Fame, material wealth, and social status do not guarantee happiness; in fact they often hinder it. TG
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning. Christopher Morley
Reduce social anxiety; performance anxiety; interview anxiety; exam anxiety, etc
'The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.'
Seven counselling specialisms
"The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand". Frank Herbert
Manage your anger better...
A student told Suzuki: "I do not know the 1st principle of life". “I do not know”, said Suzuki, “IS the first principle”. zen quote
What is Counselling?
The morning glory which blooms for an hour, Differs not at heart from the giant pine, Which lives for a thousans years. zen poem
Current copy of the ABC Newsletter... counselling and therapy
Behold but One in all things; it is the second that leads you astray. Kabir.
Telephone Counselling
"No (wo)man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and s/he's not the same (wo)man". Heraclites quote
16 videos on counselling and therapy
A great mentor is one who aims for others' abilities to surpass his/her own. TG
The highest form of wisdom is kindness. The Talmud
The Training Division of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
The five main coaching, counselling and therapy services
‘Surround yourself with people, colour, sounds and work that nourishes you’ Sark quote
Coaching by Renata Taylor-Byrne public performances, self confidence and self assertion
Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes. C_G. Jung quote
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Our past and our future simultaneously exist in our present. TG
People are like stained-glass windows. ...when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. EKR
A dream about a shadow is (wo)man: yet, when some life-given splendour falls, a glory of light comes over them and their life is sweet.
Have you seen this week's Happiness Blog?
#attachment theory, moral philosophy, Stoicism
Telephone counselling:
Flowing water never goes bad. Chinese proverb
How can I grasp it? No, don't grasp it. Whatever remains when there is no more grasping is the self. zen quote

Friday, 10 June 2011

People travel to wonder at the height of mountains & the waves of the sea...and they pass by themselves without wondering! St Augustine
How to meditate - A brief introduction
One page counselling solutions for depression...
The more enlightening a teaching, the more difficult it is to believe, and even more difficult to practice. TG
The ABCs of REBT applied to Anxiety
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
REBT and Research
Honour has not to be won; it must only not be lost. Schopenhauer
The Buddha’s middle way is the course of not clinging to any experience, state, or view. It holds on to nothing .... Buddhism quotes
Counselling and therapy all over the world...
Anger Management Coaching and Counselling
No one can (reliably) transform (all of ) external life. But anyone can transform his or her impressions of it. Nicoll
Specialist Counselling Services
Happiness depends on what you can give not what you get, Happiness quote
Information Pack regarding face-to-face counselling services...
Stress Management Coaching and counselling
Although the flames of jealousy are directed towards others, it is the jealous person who is consumed by the fire. TG