Saturday, 25 February 2012

The happiness blog - on Stoicism, insults and humour - is up and running:

Friday, 24 February 2012

Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve.
Relationship skills are essential for happiness.
Some questions and answers about Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy, and its creator.
The ascent of Everest was not quick or brief, but a tale of sustained and tenacious endeavour by many people over a long period of time. Hunt
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
A second opinion helps us evaluate our action plans.
How to analyze autobiographical narratives in Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy.
Every great master in any area of competence began with an excellent mentor.
We must bring ourselves into balanced relationship with one another and the Earth. This requires building economies with heart.
The Theoretical Grounding of CENT Counselling.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
We're caught in a network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. MLK
The status of autobiographical narratives and stories: Human non conscious functioning.
Truly it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us. Meister Eckhart
Focusing on what you are doing to get to your goal often clarifies that ‘this is the wrong road!’
Improve your self confidence and self esteem: confidence coaching & counselling support.
There is no such thing as a self-made person. You will reach your goals only with the help of others. George Shinn

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it. GB Shaw
Imagine your life without a current challenge. What would it be like? How would you feel about yourself?
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
A journey through models of mind. The story of my personal origins. Narrative self-therapy:
Avoid people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that … really great ones make you feel you too can become great. Mark Twain
Being listened to properly can help us grow.
Develop better relationships with your loved ones using insights from counselling and therapy
Change yourself: There is nothing we can say or do to change another person. People will change only when they are ready.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
Fame is an accident; merit a thing absolute. Herman Melville
Clarifying your goals is half the battle in life.
An introduction to the Six Windows Model of CENT.
...the word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. C.G. Jung# Quote, happiness
A good counsellor helps you see your problems clearly.
Reduce your stress level... with stress management coaching and counselling services.
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. Alexander Graham Bell.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Childhood is a nightmare: a story of child abuse and cruelty and personal liberation:
Have you seen this week's Happiness Blog?
A lie has speed, but truth has endurance. Edgar J. Mohn quote
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Fairness, Justice and Morality Issues in REBT and CENT.
Resilience: The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.
Counselling and psychotherapy in Manchester, UK:
A leader leads by example not by force. Sun Tzu quote
What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, that in some sense we are. Anna Jameson
Get over your depression and extreme getting counselling and therapy help.
Hatred never ceases by hatred; by love alone is it healed. This is the ancient and eternal law. Kornfield quote
You have to know where you stand, and where you want to go, or else it isn’t going to happen. Numbers bring clarity. Subir Chowdhury
The Theoretical Grounding of CENT Counselling.
None climbs so high as s/he who does not know whither s/he is going. Cromwell
What is cognitive emotive narrative therapy (#CENT)?
A kind word is like a spring day. Russian proverb quotation
The discretion of a (wo)man deferreth his/her anger; and it is his/her glory to pass over a transgression. Proverbs 19:11
Counselling and therapy in Halifax, West Yorkshire:
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. Marcus Aurelius quote
Countries like ours are full of people who have all of the material comforts they desire, yet lead lives of quiet ...desperation. B Levin
Reduce your anxiety and panic;...with counselling and therapy for all forms of anxiety.
A hero is no braver than an ordinary (wo)man, but s/he is braver five minutes longer. Emerson quote
Whenever you fall, pick something up. Walter Avery

Monday, 20 February 2012

CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop quote
We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. Richard Bach
Emotional spontaneity: A hearty laugh gives you a dry cleaning, while a good cry is a wet wash. Puzant Kevork Thomajan quote
Bond and Dryden (#1996): how to scientifically validate the central hypotheses of REBT.
Assertion: Don't make vague requests. Let others know specifically what you are feeling, want or need. Nobody can read your mind.
Counselling in Hebden Bridge. West Yorkshire:
Adversity helps: “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me”. Walt Disney
Manage your anger better...with anger Management Coaching and Counselling.
Paradoxical nature of self consciousness: The more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn’t there. #A.A. Milne
The good wolf: A healthy mind has an easy breath. Unknown quote
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
Self discipline and emotional control: Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie. Shakespeare quote
Additional limitations of the ABCs of REBT.
Self concept: It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Happiness: A study of the richest Americans revealed that 37% are less happy than the average American. Alison and David Price
Substance over appearance: Outward appearances are unimportant – your heart is what truly matters. TG
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
DUMBLEDORE: It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. #J.K. Rowling…
Spread happiness: A happy thought is like a seed that sows positivity for all to reap. Miriam Muhammad quote
Membership of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (MI-CENT).
"To make yourself crazy, get involved in other people's business; To quickly become sane and happy, mind your own..." Melody Beattie
“The whisper of the devil can sometimes sound like an angel’s voice”. Source unknown.
Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve.
If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not try to raise your price. Anonymous - self concept
To thine own self be true, and thus it must follow … that thou cannot thereafter be false to any (wo)man. Shakespeare (paraphrased) quote
Beyond REBT: The case for moving on.
Love is the strength that binds people together. Billy Mills; Dakota
A half-baked idea is okay as long as it's in the oven. Unknown quote
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere:
People who go to work in overalls on the bus are just as happy, on average, as those in suits who drive to work in big cars. D Lykken
Avoid negative people at all costs. They are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self-esteem. Brian Tracy success
Supervision services for counsellors, psychotherapists and counselling/therapy students:
Our elders gave us many laws…They told us to treat all people as they treated us; …never be the first to break a bargain. Chief Joseph
The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts. That is where the battle should be fought. Mahatma Ghandi quote
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study. Francis Bacon
Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until you exude love for the world effortlessly .... Rumi quote
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT).
You can’t truly forgive unless you really love. You can’t truly love unless you can truly forgive. Bear Heart

Friday, 17 February 2012

The happiness blog - on managing insults - is up and running:

Thursday, 16 February 2012

How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT CBT:

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The CENT Stress book - How to Control your Stress Level - is available here:

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Freud, Ellis, Berne and the Buddha: how to do Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy:

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Happines Blog is up and running: Insults, ego and Stoicism; thinking and philosophy:

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

New information and links on counselling:
New free academic study mini-paper on Cognitive Therapy, what is it and how does it compare with CENT?
Character and temperament: It’s good to be reminded that each of us has a different dream. Crow
Accreditation and Ethics codes for Dr Jim Byrne
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about ABC Coaching and Counselling Services
Counselling and psychotherapy in Manchester, UK:
"Get around the right people. Associate with positive, goal-oriented people who encourage and inspire you." Brian Tracy wisewords
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
Confidence Coaching
Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again. Kornfield Buddhism quotes
If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we would find sorrow and a suffering enough to disarm all hostility. Longfellow
The Story of Relationship: Or coming to terms with my mother (and father).
The Indian knows that even the smallest animal has great importance and can teach us great things. Thomas Yellowtail, Crow
The Institute for CENT counselling and therapy
A half truth is a whole lie. Yiddish Proverb quote
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
Fear of change: Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most. Fyodor Dostoyevsky quote
Guidelines for Writing Therapy
"I count him/her braver who overcomes his/her desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self." Aristotle
Counsellor offers narrative therapy in Leeds, West Yorkshire:
Remember each sunrise: The manner with which we walk through life is each person’s most important responsibility. Thomas Yellowtail, Crow
Important research on diet and its effects on human emotion and behaviour
I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. Blake
The "#Individual" and his/her Social Relationships - The CENT Perspective.
Always look at your moccasin tracks first before you speak of another’s faults. Sauk, Native American

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

ABC Coaching & Counselling Services, REBT#/CBT/CENT, Halifax, Hebden Bridge, Worldwide:
A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness. Bernard de Fontenelle quote
How to meditate - A brief introduction
Beginners mind: If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything. It is open to everything. Shunryu Suzuki quote
"(Wo)Man must be arched and buttressed from within, else the temple wavers to the dust." Marcus Aurelius Antoninus success wisewords
Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve.
One page counselling solutions for depression...
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Franklin. D Roosevelt
All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you. I never had a selfless thought since I was born. CS Lewis on god
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
The ABCs of REBT applied to Anxiety
Love attachment relationships; cognitive emotive counselling: coaching counseling psychology
A wise wo/man turns chance into good fortune. Thomas Fuller quote
"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within." Anna Freud
How to analyze autobiographical narratives in Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy.
REBT and Research
Saying ‘no’ can be the ultimate self-care. Claudia Black

Monday, 6 February 2012

The happiness blog is up and running:
The mind is a powerful and mysterious force. It can make the best of the worst and the worst of the best. TG
The Theoretical Grounding of CENT Counselling.
The Theoretical Grounding of CENT Counselling.
Without some goals and some effort to reach them, no (wo)man can live fully. John Dewey
Counselling and therapy all over the world...
Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength. Henry Ward Beecher success wisewords
The status of autobiographical narratives and stories: Human non conscious functioning.
Live every act fully, as if it were you last. Kornfield Buddhism
Anger Management Coaching and Counselling
A gold medal is a nice thing - but if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
Improve your self confidence and self esteem: confidence coaching & counselling support.
Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough. Robert Heller quotation
Specialist Counselling Services
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain success wisewords
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
Shrinking the bad wolf: " a word s/he watches him/herself as if s/he were an enemy and lying in ambush". Epictetus quotes
Information Pack regarding face-to-face counselling services...
The surest path is one dedicated to a greater cause (than your ‘little self’). TG
A journey through models of mind. The story of my personal origins. Narrative self-therapy:
Show your appreciation for others. It can make a huge difference to the quality of relationship.
Stress Management Coaching and counselling
Empathy is your pain in my heart.
Develop better relationships with your loved ones using insights from counselling and therapy
Persistence pays: You never really lose until you quit trying. Mike Ditka
Meditation as a strategy for clear thinking:

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Nightmare: A powerless child in a loveless world!
Avoid anger; stay happy: How to handle insults:
Sow an act and u reap a habit. Sow a habit and u reap a character. Sow a character and u reap a destiny." Napoleon Hill success quotes
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
Never let life’s hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints and sages. Nichiren quotes
What my counselling and therapy clients gain
Looking for happiness outside yourself is meaningless - like expecting to become fit by watching others exercise. happiness wisdom
An introduction to the Six Windows Model of CENT.
False imagination teaches that light and shade, long and short, etc are different and separate, but they are not independent of each other.
Long-#Distance Counselling Service
"It is painful to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt quote
Reduce your stress level... with stress management coaching and counselling services.
Communication leads to community. That is to say, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. Rollo May quote
Stoic Philosophy for Counsellors
A person who does things that count, doesn't usually stop to count them.
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
Anger rebounds: Let go of anger. It is an acid that burns away the delicate layers of your happiness.
Zen Buddhist
ideas used in CENT counselling
Past and future are mental constructs and even the present slips through our hands. So what is it?
Self acceptance and other-acceptance in relation to competence and morality.
General Counselling Service
We carry within us the wonders we seek outside of us. Thomas Browne
Counsellor offers narrative therapy in Leeds, West Yorkshire:
Courage without conscience is a wild beast. RG Ingersoll quote
Jim Byrne's latest article on anger management: literature review aggression assertion
The CENT Stress Book -#stress management
The death of fear is in doing what you fear to do. Sequickie Comingdeer, Native American wisdom

Friday, 3 February 2012

Destiny is not a matter of chance: it is a matter of choice. WJ Bryan quotations
Improve your communication skills and succeed with people... through counselling processes.
Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Schweitzer quote
The second (popular) #e-book on Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy
Life is as fleeting as a rainbow, a flash of lightening, a star at dawn. Knowing this, how can you quarrel? Kornfield
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
To become a champion, fight one more round. James J. Corbett
Understanding anger in yourself and other people...
Fairness, Justice and Morality Issues in REBT and CENT.
You only lose what you cling to.
The greatest strength is gentleness. Native American wisdom
Honour has not to be won: it must only not be lost. Schopenhauer quote
I-CENT Publications: articles, papers and #e-books
Counselling and psychotherapy in Manchester, UK:
If we all did the things we're capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. T A Edison
Current copy of the ABC Counselling Newsletter...
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Seneca
Get over your depression and extreme getting counselling and therapy help.
Civilization has been thrust upon me… and it has not added to my love for truth, honesty, and generosity… Chief Standing Bear, Sioux
Counselling processes need the support of Attachment theory...
What we think, we become.
The Theoretical Grounding of CENT Counselling.
Labour gives birth to ideas. Jim Rohn quote
Email Counselling
What is cognitive emotive narrative therapy (#CENT)?
If you can’t find the truth right where you are, where else do you think you will find it? Jack Kornfield quote
To the Cherokee, silence is golden. We speak little and listen long. It is wise to save words until they can be effective. JS Hifler
The book will change how you feel about childhood, parenting, schooling and life:
Make time each day for self-reflection. TG

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Do you want to be happy, or#happier?
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
Narrative Therapy & Writing Therapeutic Narratives
To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. Confucius
"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." -#J.K. Rowling
Counselling and therapy in Halifax, West Yorkshire:
Reduce your anxiety and panic;...with counselling and therapy for all forms of anxiety.
‘It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan’. Eleanor Roosevelt quote
Each second you can be reborn. Each second there can be a new beginning. It is choice. It is your choice. Clearwater
The CENT Books page: publishing counselling related books
Always expect the best and be prepared for the worst. TG
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help.
The greatest grief is that which we cause ourselves. Sophocles quotation
The best way to get love is to sincerely offer it. Albert Ellis quote
Bond and Dryden (#1996): how to scientifically validate the central hypotheses of REBT.
Success isn't something that just happens. Success is learned, success is practiced and then it is shared. Sparky Anderson
Training courses from the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (I-CENT)
When hungry eat; when tired sleep. Above all, don’t wobble! Zen saying
Counselling in Hebden Bridge. West Yorkshire:
‘Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms the character’ Anthony Robbins
The six main Counselling and Therapy services*
If you want to have a really powerful relationship with somebody, you have got to stop ‘making them wrong’. Werner Erhard insight
Manage your anger better...with anger Management Coaching and Counselling.
One of the most difficult things to give away in kindness, for it is usually returned. Mark Ortman

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Those who maintain a clear sense of purpose in life are strengthened by hardship.
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach.
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
Membership of the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (MI-CENT).
Happiness arises in a state of peace, not of tumult. Ann Radcliffe
About Dr Jim Byrne, Doctor of Counselling
Successful relationships are based on agreed on goals. Werner Erhard relationships insights
Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve.
Beyond REBT: The case for moving on.
Honesty is a virtue: No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the ground of truth. Francis Bacon wisdom quotes
How Can Counselling Help?
One thing I have learned is that attitudes shouldn't be underestimated in the assessment of the healing equation. Norman Cousins quote
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere:
'Every great achievement was once considered impossible’.
What is Transactional Analysis (#TA), and how is it used in CENT?
A relationship is an understanding and being aware of another person’s way of being. Werner Erhard, relationships insights
Supervision services for counsellors, psychotherapists and counselling/therapy students:
From success you get lots of things, but not that great inside thing that love brings you. Sam Goldwyn
S/He who knows others is wise; s/he who knows him/herself is enlightened. TG
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT.
Contentment: Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. Mother Teresa
Telephone Counselling
If you want your marriage to survive, work to maintain a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative moments. John Gottman: relationships
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT).
Happiness is like a sunbeam which the least shadow intercepts. Chinese proverb quotation
Moment after moment, everything comes out of nothingness. This is the true joy of life. Shunryu Suzuki
16 Videos on counselling and therapy
Counselling for Health (3): How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body.
No to big plans/institutions… I am for those tiny, invisible loving human forces that work from individual to individual. William James
Counselling and Therapy in London, Leeds and Manchester
Don’t kick over the beehive if you want to collect honey. Dale Carnegie, couples therapy
Counselling for Health (2) - Exercise is good for your body, brain and general health.
Persistence pays: Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. Napoleon Hill