Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The "What is Counselling?" page has been updated with new videos and books: http://ping.fm/hZTTn
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a life free from problems! TG
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach. http://ping.fm/DZeSY
CENT Paper No.2(b): Justice and Fairness in REBT and CENT http://ping.fm/E7Vld
The choices we make in thought, word, and deed inevitably return to us in kind. law of karma
Lasting goodness works at the pace of a snail. TG
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere: http://ping.fm/Zq9Gg
CENT Paper No.10: The Story of Relationship
You never know what’s going to happen yesterday. Jack Lynch, history teacher
Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy #e-books; cent http://ping.fm/6m8Fs
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/NlwZf
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT). http://ping.fm/GpK4y
The Law of Attraction – loa - http://ping.fm/Wz36Z
Become a master of words. TG
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/4MRuX
CENT Paper No.3: An Introduction to the Windows Model - frames and framing: http://ping.fm/eLWw2
The Happiness Blog reviews serious books on happiness, attachment, stoicism, etc. : http://ping.fm/jr47f

Monday, 28 May 2012

To become happier, do not try to reform your outer life. Reform your inner life to be happy.
Helpful books on counselling and self help, anxiety, stress, happiness, counseling: http://ping.fm/BvYmW
To change our lives, we must first change our minds. TG
Have you seen the new, free paper on email counseling and surviving a failed marriage? http://ping.fm/r3IjU
With every experience, you alone (and your internalized environment) are painting your own canvas, thought by thought, choice by choice.
The counselling research page is updated - spitzer and homosexual counseling: http://ping.fm/QThq1
Be concerned more with how you live than with how long you live. TG
A wealth of resources on counselling and psychotherapy: http://ping.fm/8qavJ counseling psychology coaching
The happiness blog - on boundaries in relationships - is updated: http://ping.fm/WsP5x

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The happiness blog is up and running: boundaries in relationships are necessary: http://ping.fm/87S2V

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well. Denis Waitley
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT). http://ping.fm/DOM1w
The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there? Kornfield
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/hgTks
Remember your debts of gratitude. TG
Supervision services for counsellors, psychotherapists and counselling/therapy students: http://ping.fm/8hjfO
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Napoleon Hill quote
The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for (wo)men to see by.
Everything abides by the law of cause and effect. TG
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/Lo7RL

Monday, 21 May 2012

You will fail in life, but to get over your failures makes you stronger in your future
Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy #e-books; cent http://ping.fm/RU1qu
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach. http://ping.fm/n115F
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Bertrand Russell
The happiness blog on couples and communication is updated with images and books, #e-books: http://ping.fm/SmynZ
The Counselling Research page is updated with some new books: http://ping.fm/bOmbz

Sunday, 20 May 2012

The Happiness Blog is updated: Manchester images; the science of love: http://ping.fm/Km3yj

Saturday, 19 May 2012

The happiness blog is up and running (on couple relationships, communication, thinking): http://ping.fm/YVoz3

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The counselling research page is updated, with Manchester University data: http://ping.fm/D0zBQ
Have you seen the hapiness blog on communication barriers in relationships: http://ping.fm/1q3f8
A comprehensive #e-book on how to reduce and control your stress level http://ping.fm/SfahB
Three things can not hide for long: the Moon, the Sun and the Truth. Siddhartha Gautama
Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve. http://ping.fm/40DdC
Beyond REBT: The case for moving on. http://ping.fm/RVEuo
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere: http://ping.fm/JEn1s
We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. Samuel Smiles
CENT Paper No.6: How to analyze autobiographical narratives in CENT http://ping.fm/w9biv
Supervision services for counsellors, psychotherapists and counselling/therapy students: http://ping.fm/6YnmL
To be where we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. RL Stevenson quote
Zen Tigers and Strawberry Moments http://ping.fm/mIC5E
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/rvgiW
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Virginia Woolf
Beyond REBT - The birth of CENT – CENT Paper No.1(b)
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/kPWvV
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

How to control your anxiety level using REBT CBT http://ping.fm/E2Lns
CENT Paper No.5: The Status of Autobiographical Narratives and Stories
What are you? What is there in the entire universe which is not you? Guangfan, zen quote
A Story of Origins - by Dr Jim Byrne – CENT Paper No.4
The key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger.
The status of autobiographical narratives and stories: Human non conscious functioning. http://ping.fm/kqZwv
Assessment and teaching in REBT http://ping.fm/EG7Cx
If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. Thich Nhat Hanh
Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it. Arapaho
Proactive people solve problems without having to blow up. #C&T
The happiness blog, on couples, communication and relationship skills, is up and running: http://ping.fm/6CXfw

Friday, 11 May 2012

A childhood nightmare in Dublin, Ireland http://ping.fm/qLjGS
A journey through models of mind. The story of my personal origins. Narrative self-therapy: http://ping.fm/zdBm4
The Essence of REBT, by Dr Albert Ellis
What is the use of love, good fortune, knowledge and riches, if you do not give yourself time to enjoy them in leisure?
Develop better relationships with your loved ones using insights from counselling and therapy http://ping.fm/UqWwm
Who Controls You? An article by Wayne Froggatt on the ABCs of REBT
An introduction to the Six Windows Model of CENT. http://ping.fm/48G9i
Debating and disputing irrational beliefs in REBT http://ping.fm/qMo01
You shouldn’t look back except to learn. HJB
Reduce your stress level... with stress management coaching and counselling services. http://ping.fm/QmN6O
Misunderstandings about the simple A>B>C model in REBT
Insight on Time Management
Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.
Self acceptance and other-acceptance in relation to competence and morality. http://ping.fm/CiixN

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Counselling services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, Calderdale, West Yorkshire: http://ping.fm/5K4VG
The counselling research page is updated re human science definition; http://ping.fm/qlVtJ

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The happiness blog deals with happy couple relationships: http://ping.fm/upXzK
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/bq7zf
The ABCs of REBT applied to Anxiety
Self-pity is a waste of time. HJB
A Philosophy of Life
We are a small part of life, along with the trees and rocks, the coyotes and the eagles, and fish and toads – interdependent. Wolf Song
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/k9kpn
Just because someone is in pain doesn’t necessarily mean something bad is happening. #C&T
Reduce your anxiety and panic;...with counselling and therapy for all forms of anxiety. http://ping.fm/31E4F
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach. http://ping.fm/chvuT
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help. http://ping.fm/tfxG2
Client Testimonials: Article about successful couples therapy outcome http://ping.fm/Voz2D
Education, experience and memories are three things no one can take away from you. HJB
Education, experience and memories are three things no one can take away from you. HJB
Bond and Dryden (#1996): how to scientifically validate the central hypotheses of REBT. http://ping.fm/hPqft
More Unsolicited Client Testimonials: from counseling clients http://ping.fm/BTOtM
To conquer a joy is more valuable than giving oneself up to a sorrow. Andre Gide

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Counselling in Hebden Bridge. West Yorkshire: http://ping.fm/kQvQp
Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy #e-books; cent http://ping.fm/nT0aM
No spouse in his right mind really wants a mate who complies with his wishes out of fear. #C&T
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services in Hebden Bridge and Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK http://ping.fm/3HkLa
Anger Management Coaching - Part 2 http://ping.fm/PvB8o
Nothing is more fun than a job you enjoy. HJB
Crown of Thorns - A Memoir of Childhood in Ireland by Daniel O'Beeve. http://ping.fm/sd6ox
Anger Management Article http://ping.fm/E7iO4
We are not the supreme and all-knowing beings, living at the top of the pinnacle of evolution; we are part of the cycle of life: Wolf Song
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere: http://ping.fm/lwke5
What kinds of counselling and therapy clients do I help? http://ping.fm/LGmMx
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate ... Courage is the foundation of integrity. Nair
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/ji6Nt
Philosophy, Happiness and Success http://ping.fm/jQkZ3
You should never go to bed with an argument unsettled. #H. Jackson Brown (#HJB)
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT). http://ping.fm/8WU6r
A comprehensive #e-book on how to reduce and control your stress level http://ping.fm/N4Tx3
No one can actually love another if s/he feels s/he doesn’t have a choice not to. #C&T
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/7Rhgj
Accepting and learning from our problems http://ping.fm/6GRqX
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Victor Hugo

Sunday, 6 May 2012

The free ABC Counselling Newsletter is up and running: http://ping.fm/AU4aB
Counselling research case studies update: http://ping.fm/EY7Mq
Happiness update for married couples: http://ping.fm/Qp0EM

Saturday, 5 May 2012

A comprehensive #e-book on how to reduce and control your stress level http://ping.fm/FG6RX
Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.
Telephone counselling – UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc, and for English speakers everywhere: http://ping.fm/KRm2E
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services, all over the world
…in the darkest moments of your own life, never lose sight of the fact that the sun is going to shine through to a great day, a great life. Bear Heart
Mature adults desire the freedom of others as much as their own. #C&T.
How to Control Your Anxiety: A rational approach using REBT / CBT. http://ping.fm/iWXio
Rethinking the psychological models underpinning Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (#REBT). http://ping.fm/EtdY9
Unsolicited Counselling Client Testimonials:
Our enemies cannot harm us as much as our unwise thoughts. No one can help us as much as our own compassionate thoughts. Kornfield
The counselling research page is updated: http://ping.fm/yx2iH
Life continually gives us opportunities to grow and become. For the most fragile flowers push and grow out of the hardest rock. Blackwolf
The happiness blog is up and running: http://ping.fm/1t2Qq

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/qfEJW
We don’t have the power to change someone else, but we can influence them (to some degree). #C&T
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and to Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach. http://ping.fm/YEtqY
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about ABC Coaching
Spouses often try to use boundaries to assert power over a mate, and it doesn’t work. #C&T.
A failed marriage: How to recover from an adult relationship failure, using writing therapy. http://ping.fm/e15Qd

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

We give, and then we receive, and then we give again. This is the cycle of abundance. Scout Cloud Lee
CENT: How to apply Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy in Counselling and Self-help. http://ping.fm/GfwI0
To change your life you must master the beliefs that dominate your mind. TG
How to Reduce and Control Your Stress Level, and Have a Happier Life: The CENT approach. http://ping.fm/RZbYH
You need to avoid taking ownership of your mate’s life.
Creating Joy: How to be much happier, right now! An e-book on happiness by Dr Jim Byrne: http://ping.fm/ZDPba
The anatomy of a failed marriage: writing therapy solution: http://ping.fm/SeFva