Tuesday, 5 September 2017

REBT CBT Book: title, Unfit for Therapeutic Purposes

Many of this author’s criticisms of REBT apply equally to all forms of CBT which utilise the ABC model of human disturbance.
Dr Byrne begins by showing that Dr Ellis was wrong on two major counts:
Firstly, Ellis’s claim that there is a difference in degree of disturb-ability of humans and other animals, and that the cause of that difference is the existence of language, and the capacity that provides to humans to think about their experiences, and to think about their thinking.  Dr Byrne presents scientific evidence to refute this line of reasoning by Dr Ellis.
And secondly, Ellis’s claim that he had evidence (in the form of a foundational case study) that people are upset by their thinking, plus their thinking about their thinking.  In a line by line analysis of the relevant text from Dr Ellis’s 1962 book, Dr Byrne destroys the basis of this false claim.

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