Tuesday, 12 December 2017

I have just updated my blog with something on: Attachment theory and psychoanalysis for counsellors.. My theme was this: Reflections upon the journey of becoming a potent counsellor. The blog begins like this: "Firstly, I have read some of the core texts on Attachment theory, by Bowlby, Ainsworth, Main, Holmes, Wallin, and even, to some degree, Fonagy. I believe Attachment theory is a crucial part of the counsellor’s basic education. We have to be able to understand the ‘child in our client’ – not just in the Transactional Analysis sense, of scoring ‘high’ on child ‘ego-states’ (which means the client spending a lot of time and energy in those personality fragments, or ways of being, called Rebellious Child, Adapted Child, or Free Child). To have an attachment sense of the client is to sense whether they are secure or insecure in their relationships with others; ... https://abc-counselling.org/2017/12/11/5764

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