Thursday 28 January 2010

Some Thoughts on Success

Hi, I have just (28th Jan) updated my Business Success Blog with some useful ideas, here:

This is how I began:

Success is paid for in advance, and you cannot get it on the never-never. Success involves setting a goal and functioning towards it intelligently, until it has been achieved. Until the final mile has been completed, you cannot cash in your achievements from the previous how-ever-many-miles you have travelled. The problem is in knowing what to focus upon as being important; what to spend our time working on; and what to drop. We need some principles to guide our actions in life. Recently, I have outlined some of Brian Tracy's principles for dealing with ‘Crunch Points' in your business life. Because I have been so busy recently, I have let that series slip somewhat, but I am now back reviewing the next crunch point, and will publish that soon. In the meantime, I want to share a few simple ideas with you.
Brian Tracy is of course more famous for his work on the psychology of success and on goals as the guiding lights of successful, fulfilled lives. Tracy tends to emphasize principles like purpose, excellence, responsibility and service, as well as integrity.


Best wishes,

Dr Jim Byrne
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services


business success, goals, integrity, business success principles, brian tracy, stephen covey, tom butler-bowden, jim byrne, business coaching,

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