Monday, 25 January 2010

Dealing with unfairness issues in therapy and politics

I have now updated by Happiness Blog, on 25th January 2010, with a post on dealing with unfairness, especially in counselling and therapy, but also in the wider political context; here:

This is how my post begins:

We humans cannot be truly happy unless we learn how to think about our lives, and live our lives as thoughtful people. ‘The unexamined life is not worth living", as Plato said.Thinking is a process of asking and answering questions; of posing and solving problems. One of the unavoidable problems for humans is that we must each learn what to think - social rules and moral codes - before we ever get a chance to learn how to think. Some people seem to be able to shed those social rules and moral codes and to become quite immoral, and they also seem not to think. They operate at the level of appetite led animals: Greedy, angry and aggressive.

I was raised as a moral person - a ‘good Catholic' - and that moral education has largely stayed with me throughout my sixty-odd years of life. Over the decades I have migrated from Catholicism, via Marxism, to Buddhism. When I was 22 years old, I became a Marxist revolutionary for the very simple moral reason that it is not okay for governments to promote inequality between citizens. We are all born equal and deserve equal treatment; but inequalities have crept into our social groupings, over a period of centuries, and produced very different, stratified social classes. While Marx thought that his philosophy was not moral, but historical/evolutionary, I was always motivated by the importance of the moral principle of fairness.

...more here...


Dr Jim Byrne
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services


fairness, unfairness, rebt, cent, albert ellis, jim byrne, marcus aurelius, morality,

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