Friday, 21 August 2009


This is how I introduced my first posting to my Business Blog:

"The purpose of this blog is to help individuals to see that talking themselves into discouragement about the credit crunch, the recession, the world economy downturn, is just going to make life more difficult for themselves. We must remain optimistic in the face of adversity, in order not to become so discouraged that we give up trying to stay afloat. And we must try to become even more successful, despite the objective difficulties we face.

"The only difference between people who win and people who lose is that the people who win are those who get up one more time than life knocks them down. While the people who lose are the people who stay down after a few failures. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up!"

I have since added some detail on the first of Brian Tracy's Crunch Points.

...More here...

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