Thursday, 4 February 2010

The Happiness Blog - Acceptance and Regard

I have just updated the Happiness Blog - on Thursday 4th February 2010 - on the subject of Unconditional Positive Regard and Unconditional Self Acceptance, here:

This is how the post begins:


This blog post is designed to clarify some words and concepts that I used last week. By the end of this post, you should have a much clearer idea of what it being described and proposed here.

Last Friday I wrote about ‘Unconditional Positive Regard', which is an attitude of mind promoted by Carl Rogers. I did that as a prelude to thinking and writing about ‘Unconditional Self Acceptance', the alternative attitude of mind promoted and recommended by Albert Ellis.

To clarify this a little: Carl Rogers, who created person-centred, or non-directive, counselling, recommended that we should all treat ourselves and each other with Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR). On the other hand, Albert Ellis - who was originally influenced by Rogers' ideas, and who then moved on to study psychoanalysis, and finally to develop his own system of therapy (called Rational Therapy) - recommended that we should all offer ourselves and each other Unconditional (Self or Other) Acceptance.

On Saturday morning I had to see a client in Halifax. On the way to the office I stopped at Café Nero for a green tea and a sandwich, and while I sat there I wrote some notes in my pocket notebook. Essentially I was thinking about you (dear reader) and wondering what sense you can make of this presentation of ideas, and whether it might be a good idea to clarify some of these terms. I therefore wrote down what I thought might be your questions, with the intention of answering those questions in this week's blog post. And so here they are:

...continued here...

Best wishes,

Dr Jim Byrne
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services


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