Sunday, 25 February 2018

Update: 25th February 2018: Our paperback book – about how to control your anger, anxiety and depression, using nutrition and physical exercise – is selling very well.  It is available at various Amazon outlets. (See the links below), and we have just updated it to make the index more usable.  Before it was published, more than 250 counsellors, therapists and others indicated a high level of interest in this book, with many requesting to be informed when the book became available.  This is a clear measure of how badly needed this resource is, by professionals who know their clients are bodies as well as minds; and by individuals who know they need to do something radically different – like taking control of, and responsibility for, their lifestyle – in order to ensure their own emotional wellbeing.

The book provides some clear guidelines regarding those foods which need to be excluded from your diet, in order to be healthy and emotionally well.  It also contains lots of stimulating ideas to help you to produce your own ‘personalised diet’ and exercise plan. And we have expanded Part 6 to provide a comprehensive guide to how to change any habit, so that readers can actually make the kinds of changes to diet and exercise approaches that appeal to them.

More information can be found by clicking this link:

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