Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The Institute for CENT Studies.

Hi, I have just posted an update to the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy (CENT) Studies homepage, here:

It begins:

Integrating cognitive, psychodynamic and narratives approaches to counselling and therapy, in a social constructionist and moral philosophy framework.

Welcome to the Institute for Cognitive Emotive Narrative Therapy Studies, which was formed in April 2007, with the following aims:


1. To build upon the early writings of Albert Ellis (especially his 1957 paper to the American Psychological Association, and his 1962 book, Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy); to develop a more complex ABC model which includes the models of mind developed by Freud (id, ego, superego) and Berne ('Parent/Adult/Child' ego states); to explore some ideas from the Object Relations school (e.g. Klein/Fairbairn); to consider the role of narrative approaches to therapy, and a contextual constructionist form of Zen/Taoism.

continued here

Best wishes,

Dr Jim Byrne
ABC Coaching and Counselling Services
The Institute for CENT Studies

Jim's email address

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